Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First sign?

I've been trying to use sign language with N. I'm not all that consistent with it, but I'm trying. I think he used his first sign on Saturday... we were in the car, and I was sitting in the back seat with him. He's gotten into the habit of wanting to nurse while we're driving (started that bad habit when we were driving the 4 hours to visit his Babka), and I'm quite sure he made the sign for 'milk'! Usually, his sign for milk is to grab at my shirt and try to pull it off.

Monday, August 20, 2007

You don't want to see me angry....

N has a new angry cry... a deep loud groan. Sounds to me like he's turning into the Hulk! Maybe that should be his Halloween costume.

He also likes to make a new high-pitched short laugh. Over and over and over.

Friday, August 10, 2007


We play lots of peekaboo... I hide behind the shower curtain and do the peeking. He also enjoys having a blanket, his clothes or whatever else I find put over his head. He'll pull it off and I'll call peekaboo!

Last night, he ran the whole show. He pulled the blanket up to cover his face and waited for me to call "Where's N?". Then he'd drop it and giggle when I'd shout "Peekaboo!".

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

First Tooth!

Today was the day... N finally cut his first tooth. I should have guessed since it's the first time he's shown any interest in his Raz-Berry . He was chewing on it like crazy most of yesterday. However, he's determined to not let me touch it (his tooth that is). Any time I try to feel his gums, he clamps his lips shut and pushes out my finger. I only noticed when he gave me a bit of a bite while pushing my finger out.

His other new thing is gargling. We were playing on the bed and he would lie down on his back, gather up a bunch of saliva, and make gargling noises. Aaaah, he's a classy boy.