Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Standing and a big fall

On Monday, N stood unsupported for the first time! I don't think he's quite ready to do this regularly... we were playing on the bed and he was standing and just let go. He stood by himself for about 5 seconds. Surprised both of us.

This was after the weekend of The Very Big Fall. He fell off the bed after a nap. I wasn't quick enough getting upstairs and I guess he crawled over the pillows I surround him with during his naps, and tried to get off the bed himself. He was fine. No bumps or bruises. He's now napping in the playpen, and the mattress is now on the floor. Box spring and bed frame are in the basement for now.

Feeding himself.

N is still not too interested in solid food, but last week, he started to feed himself. We were visiting friends and he was given a Baby Mum-Mum to try. He was quite happy to hold it and feed himself. After that, he started with the O's. Still not too interested in feeding himself his fruit or veggies, but I'm sure that'll come soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More teeth!

I knew it was coming... there's been a whole lot of drooling lately, and N has been waking up more at night.

Yesterday he got one upper tooth (not a middle one, but one to the side), and I can see 2 more making their way out!

Friday, October 19, 2007


We have a number puzzle (not exactly as shown) covering the hardwood floor for N to play on. He's recently figured out that it's a puzzle and can be pulled apart. He can get the edge pieces off, but has some trouble with the number sections. One, each piece is a fair size, so when he grabs a piece and stretches out his little arm all the way, it's still attached to the rest of the mat, and two, he's usually sitting on the piece he's trying to remove.

I'm sure he'll figure it out soon.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

What do you call them...

So I meant to post about this before, but didn't know the word to use...
Over the last month or so, N has become quite proficient at giving fraps/zerbets/foops. It's quite funny. He usually starts doing it when I'm trying to get him to sleep. He knows it'll get me laughing and maybe get a few more minutes of awake time...

Thursday, October 11, 2007


N started waving last weekend. We were out for dinner and I was walking around the restaurant with N (it was getting late and he was tired). A waitress passed by us and said 'hi' and waved. N automatically waved back! He's done it a few more times since, but not regularly yet.

Oh, and he has a new sound. Loud ear-splitting screech. Screamed in his dad's ear while dad was sleeping. Works better than any alarm clock in our house.