Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blowing Kisses

N likes to blow kisses. Today not only was he blowing kisses as I left, but blowing them with both hands at once.

My Little Scientist

So last night we had the fan on in the bedroom. N was standing in front of it. Then he picked up one of those magazine subscription inserts (which was my bookmark - oh well) and held it up to the fan. Then he looked around, ran to the other part of the room, and returned with his shirt from the hamper. He then alternated between holding up the paper and t-shirt in front of the fan. Went back to the hamper and picked up his shorts. Then he alternated between the three items. Very interesting to watch. Not sure what his conclusion was, but eventually he was happy with his research and climbed back into bed.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Well, we finally got N baptized, and I understand now the main reason people get this done when their children are infants. N was running all over the church and we'd have to chase him down when it got to a point where he needed to be there. Good thing we scheduled it to be after mass not during!

When it finally came to the water on the head part, N laughed like crazy (he does love the water). The priest said it was the first time that happened. He also said it was his fastest baptism, but that he still hit all the important parts. :)

The Duck Says Quack (or is it cack)

N is not a big talker yet, but it's starting. Last week, he said the name of his primary caregiver at daycare, and also the name of one of the little girls. Yesterday he started making animal sounds. Caught me by surprise. I've been asking him for a while now with no answer, but then yesterday, when I said "what does the duck say?" he said "cack cack cack". Oh and his cows say "oooooo".

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Not sure where he picked this up. I suppose it's because of all the airplanes that fly over our house... Anyway, N has a Little People airport. His new thing is to take the little plane, put people in it and then fly it around the room. He makes this cute "wooo" sound at the same time. I'll try to get the video up.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Do your diaper-do

OK, so my sister P made up a goofy song to sing while changing diapers and for some reason, the rest of us have picked it up. Sister J and I both sing it to N (as do all of J's kids). Today, we realized he's singing it too! Of course, with his few words the song for him goes "do, do, do do do do".

TV addict

I've tried to keep the tv watching to a minimum with N. When we both had the flu (and R was out of town) we watched a bit. A few times, I've let him watch when I get dinner together, if R is working late and N is otherwise climbing on me trying to "help" with the chopping and cooking. The day he woke up at 5:45 am ready to start the day, yeah, the tv went on then.

When it was on, he wasn't too interested. He'd play and look up once in a while, but something has changed. Now, if we're home during the day, at some point N gets up on the couch, pats the seat next to him for me to sit down, and when I do, he points to the tv. He gets mad if I don't turn it on.

Note: Dad does not have the same concerns about tv I have... maybe it's his influence :)

Update: Now N not only points at the tv, he now says "Watch?".


It's been confirmed. N is allergic to peanuts. His reaction was mild, so there's hope he'll outgrow it. Until then, we've got an epi-pen and I've just ordered a medic-alert bracelet. They'll test him again next year.


Every day, N has to do the dishes. He pulls the step stool over to the kitchen sink and climbs up. I then have to put water in the sink and give him some cups and a dishrag. Who knows how long he'd stay there. I usually move him once he dumps a pile of water down the cupboard doors and onto the floor.

Tub time teasing

N has a new tub game... he'll stand up and make the sign for finished. When I reach over to get him, he sits back down again. Repeat about 20 times.