Tuesday, February 10, 2009


We don't subscribe to Treehouse TV, but we sometimes go to their web site and watch the 2 minute videos. N's new favorite is Wonderpets. Of course, he can't pronounce it quite right. Hubby stopped me on my way out and asked what the heck N was saying... it sounds kind of like he is saying whoop-a**. While jumping up with his fist in the air.


Brought up a small pumpkin from the basement today. N instantly took it into the living room. He knocked off the stem and then played with the pumpkin and stem for quite a while (which for N is about 10 minutes). I felt bad taking it away and making soup out of it.

Luckily, there's another downstairs.


N likes to paint. We have these brushes with paint in them... saves up on a tiny bit of the mess. Anyway, N's new thing is to take some stickers, put them on a paper and then totally paint over top of them. It's the only painting he'll do. Odd, but it keeps him busy for a while.


I didn't know N knew his alphabet (or at least the alphabet song). He has these leap frog magnetic letters, which he plays with for about 2 minutes and then knocks all on the floor. As I put them back up on the fridge, I was singing the alphabet song. I stopped at 'P' and N went and finished the rest of the song.

Of course, I can't get him to repeat it.

[Update: N said the whole alphabet to us on Riel Day! Or, rather, what he thinks is the alphabet... he doesn't have all the letters quite right]