Friday, December 19, 2008


I've been trying not to push manners on N but do the "show by example" thing. He's picking it up. "No thanks" is often used. "Sorry" is used a lot. Often when not needed (we are Canadian). Was used repeatedly as he bumped the step stool into the back of my legs. It appears I was in between him and the sink.

N uses please a lot too, but I'm not sure how he learned not to say "please" but "Pleeeeeeease?" We hear that many times a day. Usually with the word "chocolate". Or now that it's Christmas "Candy Cane".

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thomas: the Obsession Continues

I should update on N's Thomas obsession. He plays a lot with his train track, loves any Thomas book, and when we go out, will often take a little bag of trains with him. He'll point out every train in the books and name them. Somehow, he can even distinguish between Annie and Claribel. Every couple of days, he wakes up in the morning saying "Thomas. Gordon. Percy. Henry. Toby" etc.

He's getting a Percy train for his track for Christmas. It'll probably be his favourite gift.

The Bunny

So N loves Veggie Tales. We rented a couple of DVDs from the library and he can't get enough of them. Mostly it's the songs. Every story has at least one song, and N will get up and dance and sing along.

His favourite is probably the Bunny Song. He sings along with the DVD and quite often throughout the day. He even changes the lyrics to suit his mood. Maybe he loves The Pancake. Or The Duckies.

Now if only I could get him to sing The Mommy.