Saturday, April 19, 2008

Beautiful night for a walk

R was at the chiropractor's last night. We all went since his appointment was right after work. Dr is a friend of ours, so after the appointment, we all decided to go for a walk (Dr is married and has 2 kids - youngest is about 6 months older than N). N was determined to walk, and ended up walking for about half a mile all by himself! After that, N finally let me pick him up. It's by far the longest walk he's ever done.

We all slept well last night.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Look, animals!

Oh dear but N loves animals. Real ones, pictures, cartoon images, anything! Now, anytime we're out, he points and yells at every cat, dog, bird, animal logo (giant tiger, dunn rite chicken), any card with animals on it, etc. When we go grocery shopping, we now have to spend some time looking at all the dog and cat foods bags.

And speaking of birds, he's got that sign down too! He's starting to learn some body parts as well. He can find his head, and loves to honk my nose and poke me in the eye when you ask him to point them out.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More signs and words and teeth!

N has some new words and signs. He signs "book" and finally has "dog" right, says "stop", "yes" (more like "yup") and "that".

Two more teeth in! Another molar and one canine.

He has also become a very, um, determined little boy. If you try to stop him from doing something (or better yet, move him away from something) he throws a little fit. Terrible twos coming a bit early?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


N's Great-Grandmother passed away last weekend (hubby's Baba), two days after her 101st birthday. She was a really wonderful woman who loved her family to bits. Other than her bad knees and trouble hearing, she was in great form up until a few weeks ago.

I thought I'd add some advice from her that she gave us the first time we visited with N:

"Don't put his diaper on too tight! When my kids were little, I always put on the diapers tight. Now, I'm wearing them, and some of those nurses put them on really tight and it's just not comfortable. When my kids were little, I didn't know. Now I know."

I'll miss her.