Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good Morning

Just had to note N's new way of waking up. He sleeps with us, and recently he started waking me up by putting his face right up close to mine and saying "Hi" about 10 times.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thomas: The Obsession

Oh my, but N is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. I think it started when we were out toy shopping and he found the books with buttons to push to make sounds. He got his hands on a Thomas book, and N would not put it down. He played with it for most of that day, and still plays with it every day at some point. Then, while packing our office stuff to move it to the basement, N came across the box with left-over valentine cards. I happened to have picked Thomas cards. He wouldn't put the box down. He carried it all over the house, and even had to take it to daycare one day.

Move ahead to last week. We went to Costco and they had a pack with 2 Thomas DVDs and a couple of trains. N got very excited and wouldn't put them down. So we opened up the box there, and happily continued our shopping while he played with the trains... until we got to the checkout and he let out a scream when the woman tried to take the box to scan it in.

When we got home, I took the DVDs out of the box and hid them away for later. Didn't bother N any. He was quite happy to look at the box. On the back were the photos of all the Thomas DVDs available. He carried that around the house for the rest of the night.

And the trains... Well, they go everywhere.

Where did this come from? He only has the one book, he's only seen the show twice (and one of those times was for about 5 minutes). Oh well, as far as kid obsessions go, it's not a bad one I guess....

First Camping Trip

For part of the Canada day long weekend, we decided to go camping. Since it was to be N's first camping trip, we only went for one evening. And because we planned it last minute, we didn't get there until after 7pm and were attacked by mosquitoes. Or, R and I were. N didn't seem to get bothered at all. I think I was more vigilant with the bug spray on him than on me. We picked up some natural stuff last year from Heartsease. It works well if you reapply quite frequently. I did that for N, but got lazy with myself.

N had a great time. He played with his beach toys at the site, putting gravel into the buckets. If he wasn't doing that, he was trying to grab the mosquito coils. We tried to keep him away from them, but eventually he grabbed one by the smoking end and got a bit of a burn.

Then in the morning after pancakes, we went to the beach. We all had fun playing in the sand. R and I would start a castle and N would tear it down. He also liked filling his buckets with water and pouring them onto the sand. We tried to go swimming, until N tripped and got his face wet. He wasn't too interested after that.

Now, if we can just get our camping gear to a more mangeable size...