Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rolling over!

Yes, little baby Q is now rolling over. Started last week, and I missed the first time. Ok, I missed the first three times. He was in the den and would wait until I would leave the room for a minute.

On Saturday I put him on his back on the floor and stood over him with the camera until he finally rolled over for me. Yeah, that was a long five minutes. I'll need to do lots of editing on that video. No one needs 4.5 minutes of me rambling on.

Now we're at the lovely stage where I put him to bed on his back, he rolls over, and then wakes himself up and gets upset because he can't roll back yet.

Monday, November 2, 2009

New Phrases

A few more commonly used phrases from N:
- "That's not part of the plan" (or part of the deal)
- "That's what I'm talking about"
- "Good job Mom/Dad. High five!"
- "We've got work to do!"
- "Hopey dokey!"
- "I'll never have anything again in my whole life" which seems to be morphing into "I'll never have anything again in the whole world". Always said in an incredibly sad voice. It's becoming the response to any denial on my part (no more tv, no more cookies, blah blah blah)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Knock Knock...

N is really liking knock knock jokes, but he doesn't quite get how they work. Here's an example of how they go at our place, no matter how many times I try to correct him:

Me: "Knock knock"
N: "Who's at the door"
Me: "Boo"
N: "What does Boo say?"

Yeah, so that kind of kills the punch line. We'll stick to the "banana, banana, orange" one for now. Lucky for me (?) he's ok with repeating the same joke over and over again.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

32 Week Ultrasound

Pudgy baby. It weighs a bit more than expected for 32 weeks, so the SUA seems to have no affect.

The tech took some great 3D photos too.

Letter Recognition

N recognizes one letter. The letter 'S'. When he sees a sign with an S on it, he points and says "Look Mom. Like Shrek!". Ok, I guess we've watched that movie a few times...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Before I forget, I wanted to list a few phrases N uses regularly before he moves on to not speaking to me at all.

- "Hmm" (holding index finger to lips) "Aha!" (pointing up in the air). "I have idea!" However, when you ask what the idea is, he just looks blankly.

- "Come here. Follow me. I have to show you something." Which is followed by him looking quickly around the room to see what he can show you.

- "Will you play trains with me?" His voice gets quite high up at the end.. very cute and impossible to say no to.

- "I'm not closing my eyes." Said often at bedtime.

- "But I need (fill in blank)". The best was when asking him to take his finger out of his nose: 'But I need my finger in my nose.'

- "I'm not cute/handsome/smart/a monkey. I'm N!" I loved listening to him argue with a woman in Carson City that he wasn't cute.

- "Wow. That is kewel!" Yes, that's how he pronounces it.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

And it starts...


and on, and on. At this point, I'm having fun trying to think up different answers for each "Why?", but I'm sure I'll tire of it soon enough.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


So, according to my OB/Gyn, I have SUA, or Single Umbilical Artery. Normally, there are two arteries and one vein in the umbilical cord (who knew?). I only have one artery. Not that uncommon. Often it's not even noticed until the baby is born and they look at the umbilical cord.

According to the Dr. since everything else looked fine in the ultrasound, there is nothing to worry about (sometimes this occurs along with heart or kidney problems, but the 20 month ultrasound should show that). They'll do another ultrasound at 32 weeks to make sure the baby is growing, as there is a tendency for lower weight births.

Meh, but they had that concern for N and he came out just short of 8lbs.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Counting... for real

N is pretty good at reciting his numbers... well 1-29 anyway. I can't convince him yet that next is 30 not twenty-ten.

But I think he finally figured out how to count. He came up to me last week at daycare with a couple of dinosaur figures. Then said "Look Mom, I have dinosaurs. One, two", and stopped at two. Usually he'll keep counting for a while. But this time he held out each dinosaur individually while counting it. He looked really proud of himself.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Seventeen Weeks

Well, I'm now 17 weeks into this pregnancy. I wish I'd kept notes last time because I'd like to know if I was this exhausted. Good gravy, I'm falling asleep every night at 8:30 with N. Let's just say the house has looked better.

I think the nausea is finally gone at least. Once again, all food is wonderful and I want it "in my mouth" as N would say.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


We don't subscribe to Treehouse TV, but we sometimes go to their web site and watch the 2 minute videos. N's new favorite is Wonderpets. Of course, he can't pronounce it quite right. Hubby stopped me on my way out and asked what the heck N was saying... it sounds kind of like he is saying whoop-a**. While jumping up with his fist in the air.


Brought up a small pumpkin from the basement today. N instantly took it into the living room. He knocked off the stem and then played with the pumpkin and stem for quite a while (which for N is about 10 minutes). I felt bad taking it away and making soup out of it.

Luckily, there's another downstairs.


N likes to paint. We have these brushes with paint in them... saves up on a tiny bit of the mess. Anyway, N's new thing is to take some stickers, put them on a paper and then totally paint over top of them. It's the only painting he'll do. Odd, but it keeps him busy for a while.


I didn't know N knew his alphabet (or at least the alphabet song). He has these leap frog magnetic letters, which he plays with for about 2 minutes and then knocks all on the floor. As I put them back up on the fridge, I was singing the alphabet song. I stopped at 'P' and N went and finished the rest of the song.

Of course, I can't get him to repeat it.

[Update: N said the whole alphabet to us on Riel Day! Or, rather, what he thinks is the alphabet... he doesn't have all the letters quite right]

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Ah yes, the joys of nursing a toddler. Now he can ask for it, and make comments too.

Last week we were at my aunt's house. It was very close to bedtime and N was getting tired. He climbed up on my lap and asked for "sides". He nursed on one side for about a minute and asked to switch. When I asked him what was wrong with this side, he replied loud enough for everyone to hear: "It's broken".


Sleep talking

N has started talking in his sleep. Usually early in the morning, not long before we wake up for the day. Last night, he was talking about Thomas characters again. It started with him shouting:
"Salty at the docks".

Then the conversation continued:
N: Where's Salty?
Me: At the docks?
Me: But it's night time now.
Me: Salty is sleeping

Then he rolled over, nursed for a few seconds and went back to sleep.