Friday, March 6, 2009

Seventeen Weeks

Well, I'm now 17 weeks into this pregnancy. I wish I'd kept notes last time because I'd like to know if I was this exhausted. Good gravy, I'm falling asleep every night at 8:30 with N. Let's just say the house has looked better.

I think the nausea is finally gone at least. Once again, all food is wonderful and I want it "in my mouth" as N would say.


harmzie said...

It's possible (probable?) that you were just as exhausted, but you could make up for napping time. Now that "make-up" time, is "mom-time"!

Take the rest. Screw the house.

myrtle said...

Probably. That and last time I spent most nights lying on the couch having R get food for me... He's working too many late nights this time around.