Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Six months and starting solids

Six months old last week... the time has flown by!

My little darling started eating solids with limited success. First off we tried a baked sweet potato. That went ok. The rice cereal was a huge disappointment. First day, he would push it out of his mouth and let it dribble down his chin. Then he remembered he can blow raspberries. N had a great time blowing it back out, mostly all over me. After 2 tries of that, we gave up. Then he caught me eating watermelon and thought that might be good. He gummed his way through a few small pieces, mostly getting the juice.

This weekend we went to visit his aunt, who gave him a pickle. That was even better than the watermelon! (not really on any first food lists, but it didn't seem to bother him - at least it was home made).

Today we tried a steamed pear. Again, back to blowing raspberries. We'll try that for one more day and then move on to a new vegetable.

Looks like it's time to move the high chair off the hard wood floor and onto the kitchen tile if the raspberry blowing keeps up. That and I need to start wearing a bib.

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