Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Not sure where he picked this up. I suppose it's because of all the airplanes that fly over our house... Anyway, N has a Little People airport. His new thing is to take the little plane, put people in it and then fly it around the room. He makes this cute "wooo" sound at the same time. I'll try to get the video up.


Albert Bannatyne said...

Sounds so cute. Busy busy busy...

Next thing you know he'll be telling you the names of all the big construction machinery --- bulldozer vs. backhoe vs. grader vs. front end loader vs. etc...

myrtle said...

That makes me think of Pat's son. He was obsessed with Cat equipment. He got all their catalogs and could rattle off the most detailed information about every piece of equipment. When the sales people started phoning, Pat had to let them know he was only 10.