Wednesday, June 11, 2008

TV addict

I've tried to keep the tv watching to a minimum with N. When we both had the flu (and R was out of town) we watched a bit. A few times, I've let him watch when I get dinner together, if R is working late and N is otherwise climbing on me trying to "help" with the chopping and cooking. The day he woke up at 5:45 am ready to start the day, yeah, the tv went on then.

When it was on, he wasn't too interested. He'd play and look up once in a while, but something has changed. Now, if we're home during the day, at some point N gets up on the couch, pats the seat next to him for me to sit down, and when I do, he points to the tv. He gets mad if I don't turn it on.

Note: Dad does not have the same concerns about tv I have... maybe it's his influence :)

Update: Now N not only points at the tv, he now says "Watch?".

1 comment:

Albert Bannatyne said...

Good for you.

Keep it up!

Life is too short to spend watching Teletubbies or whatever. Save that time for later when he'll appreciate something more valuable, like Rat Pfink a Boo Boo, or the original Hairspray movie... :-)